Vladimir Cellier
I've been learning Piano since I was a kid.
University of physics, then jazz conservatory with the guitar. really interested in writing the music, the rules of harmony. I started to work with a theater company, as music/sound designer, and I realized I loved to work both on the sound and the visual.So I began to learn the video editing. I was more and more interested in the audio/video sync creation.Then I met Julien Nadiras, pro climber and cameraman.Together we created "Baraka Flims", an audio-visual production company.
Julien Nadiras
Originaire de la région Parisienne, je découvre très jeune l'escalade sur les boules de grès de la forêt de Fontainebleau. Quand je ne grimpe pas, je m'imprègne et me passionne de récits d'aventures, contés dans les livres ou animés dans les films. La forêt est au coin de ma porte et devient le terrain de jeu idéal pour mes premières explorations et l'apprentissage de l'escalade.
Pendant plusieurs années je grimpe à travers le monde et poursuis en parallèle des études d'audiovisuel où j'apprends les mécanismes de la réalisation (Story board, découpage technique, prises de vues et montage). Peu à peu ma sensibilité pour l'image s'affine et je me spécialise dans la prise de vue de sports "outdoors".
Voulant m'éloigner des standards de réalisation de films de sport, et ayant une approche plus poétique de l'activité pratiquée au coeur de la nature, je co-réalise avec Vladimir Cellier, le film Tuzgle.
Stéphane Costantini
My whole life and professional experience revolve around music and the digital: producing and playing, studying and communicating. My friendship and collaboration with Vladimir has been going on since high school, when we taught ourselves computer-led music and video editing, alongside gigging and jamming together. In 2014, after completing a Ph.D in Communication and Media Studies (still about music), I began working officially for Baraka Flims and co-edited The Mont Rebei Project and Metronomic with Vladimir, trying to push further the music and motion coalition, and to take on the communication and media partnerships duties. Before committing myself to Baraka Flims, I worked as Head of communications for performing arts organisations in music, theatre, and events sectors. As a percussionist and a beatmaker, I also
play in numerous music projects and bands, from Jazz, reggae to Funk and Electronic music. Currently performing in Parisian electro-hiphop live band
Clarkk and co., and
cinematic dub project BeO.